Frequently Asked Questions
Is Marijuana legal in Oklahoma?
Cannabis in Oklahoma is now legal for medicinal purposes with a license, and with cited medicinal reasons only. In April, 2015, The Governor signed HB 2154 allowing the Sale of CBD oil with less than .3% THC. Three years later, on June 26, 2018, Oklahoma voters approved State Question 788 legalizing medical marijuana, making it the 30th state to do so. It was approved by popular vote during a primary election in State Question (SQ) 788, not by the usual legislative process. SQ 788 instructed the state to promulgate a regulatory scheme for Marijuana online within 30 days and begin licensing by August 25. 2018. The statewide regulator for marijuana is the Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority
When did marijuana become legal in Oklahoma?
Oklahomans ushered in recreational marijuana in 2016, with the passage of ballot Question 2. The law was enacted on the January 1, 2017 and recreational dispensaries started to open on July 1, 2017.
What are the numbers associated with Dispensaries?
As of December 9, 25,000 patients, 193 caregivers
and 2,525 business applications were received. That's 27,718 in total. 18,601 patient, 134 caregiver, 754 dispensary, 1,206 grower and 315 processor licenses approved. 21,010 total.
Are they medical or recreational dispensaries?
Currently, in the State of Oklahoma, only medical dispensaries are permitted.
What diseases and conditions are included in Oklahoma's Medical Marijuana Program
Many different diseases and conditions are included
under the Medical Marijuana Program. Essentially, if and when a doctor believes Medical Marijuana is necessary, you may be eligible for the program.
How do I become a medical patient in Oklahoma?
There is a standard application fee of $100 that may be altered if there is proof of Medicare or Medicaid (SoonerCare). Along with other proofs of identity, patients are required to have a form signed by his/her doctor recommending medical marijuana. Barring any extenuating circumstances, a patient license is valid for two years. For more information, please click here.
What is the age requirement on possessing cannabis?
You must be 18 years old or above with a medical patient card to legally possess cannabis in the State of Oklahoma.
What is the limit to the amount of THC in my blood where I would be considered to be driving impaired?
Drivers are considered impaired if the THC concentration per milliliter of blood exceeds 5 nanograms. This limit refers to active THC in the blood, not the inactive metabolites measured in a workplace urine test, which can remain in the blood for days or weeks after cannabis use. In order to obtain the blood test, police must have made an arrest for DUI based on observations of the driver’s behavior.
Where can I consume cannabis?
According to the "Smoking in Public Places and Indoor Workplaces Act," all smokable, vaporized, vapable and e-cigarette medical marijuana and medical marijuana products smoked by a patient license holder is subject to the same restrictions for tobacco under Section 1-1521 et. seq. of Title 63 of Oklahoma statutes.
Can I sell cannabis product that I purchase to my friends or family?
Production, processing or sale of marijuana without a valid state license is illegal. This includes any sales of products to friends or family that you possess if you do not have a valid
sate license. You may, however, give away product for free to anyone age 21 and over.
Can I get a DUI after use of marijuana?
It is not legal to operate any heavy machinery or a vehicle while under the influence of Marijuana.
Do I need a medical card to purchase marijuana from Nirvana Dispensary?
Yes. In the state of Oklahoma, only the sale of medical marijuana is permitted, thereby outlawing any and all sales for recreational uses.
How much Cannabis can I buy?
A single transaction by a dispensary with a patient, or the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) if a patient is a licensed minor, or caregiver is limited to three (3) ounces of usable marijuana, one (1) ounce of marijuana concentrate, seventy-two (72) ounces of medical marijuana products, six (6) mature plants, and/or six (6) seedling plants.
What products does Nirvana Dispensary offer?
We offer a full range of recreational and medical cannabis strains, including a variety of indicas, sativas, hybrids and High CBD strains. We take pride in our wide concentrate selection: from Live Resin to Bubble Hash, Wax and Shatter. We also stock infused edibles, tinctures, capsules, topicals and CBD products.
You can view Nirvana’s menu and prices of our recreational or medicinal strains on our website or contact our staff to learn more.
Are out-of-state medical cards accepted in Oklahoma?
Yes they are accepted, but in the form of a Temporary ID. For more information, please click here.
Can I smoke in a dispensary or are there shops that have outdoor smoking areas?
As of today, no shops permit the use of cannabis in or around the premises. This directly means it is illegal to smoke on a dispensary premises as well.
What is the difference between different cannabis plants?
While all strains are unique, there are some key differences between sativas and indicas. The structure of the plant classifies Indica or Sativa. Indica - short and stalky bush, Sativa - tall and lanky tree. Cannabis Sativa generally works best on your head, producing an energized wakefulness that stimulates creativity and is excellent for daytime stoners. Indica, on the other hand, are best used for full-body relaxation, help with sleep, and are perfect for unwinding at night. However, these effects will differ from person to person.
Nirvana also offers a number of sativa and indica hybrids. The effects of these hybrids vary depending on the mixture so it’s best to ask our professionals to help you find the exact strain you are looking for.